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Старые шабы тем кто любит пид...в

Тема в разделе "Датинг-скам", создана пользователем Mr.Medved, 19 июл 2016.

  1. Mr.Medved

    Mr.Medved Member

    Letter 1

    Hello dear ?????! I am very glad that you have answered my
    short message. Excuse me that I so for a long time I didnt answer you
    and didnt think that you will answer me. I read about much
    Acquaintances through the Internet. But I all as couldnt dare to
    write to somebody. I frequently attended Internet - cafe in our city
    library and looked big amount of sites. And I have dared to write the
    short letter to you and for me was that you have answered with
    unexpectedness. It is very pleasant for me!!! I want to tell at once
    that I search. I search for the friend and can and more over. All this
    because I am lonely and I dont find Understanding in my city. To me
    liked Men always when I was the teenager . I dont know why, I cant
    explain it. And now I cannot find understanding in our society.
    Certainly our city big and it not such and The problem to find the
    partner, but and something me stops all. I have decided to find The
    partner through the Internet and I was really glad that you have
    written to me the letter in The answer. Its a little about itself and
    about that where I live. Im 25 years. My growth 170 cm, weight 70
    kg. It will be for certain visible on a photo which I send you.
    By the way as to you My photo, I hope it to you it is pleasant? I live
    in Russia in city Krasnoyarsk. My city Is on picturesque coast of the
    huge Siberian river Yenisei. The population of ours cities more than
    800 thousand person. You probably know that our city it the industrial
    and transport center of Siberia. I was born also dews in our city. I
    very much I love our city because he is very dear to me also he really
    beautiful. It was very difficult to me to place my profile in a
    service of acquaintances, because I am in Russia, the service of
    acquaintances does not accept the members from this country. I had to
    specify in a profile, that I am in USA.
    I work as the seller in a menswear store. It is a small department in
    the big shop. I work already almost one year since then as has
    finished institute. I studied some years in humanitarian institute but
    after has stopped, I could not work on a speciality. In Russia many
    such people and they for whom are not necessary, therefore I work as
    the seller! I tried to become a photo model and visited one studio in
    our city some time, but it was very expensive also to me necessary to
    leave it! I dream to realize myself in the future as model!
    I hope that I have told about myself enough that you could present to
    myself who I and than I am engaged. I ask you write also you to me
    where you work and than you are engaged. It is very interesting to me
    find out as you you concern to our country to the country. Be not
    confused to ask questions I shall try to answer each of them. Still I
    want to tell to you that I write to you from Internet cafe. It is in
    to city library. At me very difficult schedule of work, except for
    that the Internet cafe too works not daily. Therefore I ask you be
    not upset if I cant write to you every day. But I shall try to write
    every day. On it I shall finish my first letter to you. I am very glad
    that you has answered me. Your new friend from Russia Aliaks.

    Letter 2

    Hi my far friend ?????! I am very glad to see your letter. Today I
    was not that busy and consequently I went in Internet-cafe and has
    decided to check up the mailbox. I was very much pleased with that I
    got your letter. It was very interesting to read your letter. I think
    that I shall learn a lot of things from your letters as well as you
    from mine. Its very interesting for me to read your letters. By the
    way Im sorry about my English, I have not bad English. I studied it
    at school and institute too. It is imperfect, certainly. But I can
    understand that me speak and I can speak that I think. But for me to
    write difficultly still.
    Unfortunately I never been abroad of my country and consequently I
    have no representation as the people live in other countries. I
    traveled a lot with my family on Russia, but it was since childhood
    and a long time ago. But really want to travel and I think to do it
    very soon.
    Dear %TOFNAME I would like to tell you about my family. My parents are
    very dear people for me but I have problem with them. To my deep
    regret they does not understand and reject me. When they have knew
    that Im not such as all they had a shock. Present youself that I
    tried to tell them who Im and I could not find understanding from
    them even, it was horror, the father has struck me when I began to
    prove the point of my view. The mother had completely supported the
    father. And after this I break with my family. Now certainly all these
    emotions has passed (it happened 3 years ago) but I can not come to
    the parents in the house and simply talk to them. And I have to hide
    that Im gay. The truth know only my friend, who are very close to me,
    her name is Vika. She is my cousine. We were very close sence
    childhood and for this reason I have opened to her my soul after the
    conflict with my parents.She was just one who understood me and gave
    support. She said that if I want happiness that I should search for
    it. Now I understand that she was completely right.
    But any way it is realy hard to be gay in this country and on my work
    nobody knows that Im gay. It is because in my country and in my city
    people concer very agressev to gays, that is why I should hide who I
    am. You are the first person with who Im talking so honourly. I hope
    that you will understand me. Because if someone would know the truth
    about me I should out from my work and my life will be destroyed. But
    i dont care about it, if it will happend it means God want it. I
    think and simply sure that it is necessary to do not think about it.
    For this reason I has decided to look in to the Internet. It is very
    interesting for me to know yours Opinion on it %TOFNAME. Also it would
    be pleasure to know as you spend the free time. I like to read the
    books, to play in billiards, to listen musics. What music you do like?
    I would love to know more about you and your life. Ill be wait for
    your letters. I am glad that I met you in that huge world. Well I have
    to go your, friend ............ have a good day!!!

    Very glad to our acquaintance your .............

    Letter 3

    Hello my friend. Today I really wanted to write you a letter and that
    is what I do now and when I went to Internet-cafe and has checked up
    the mailbox that my mood became much better. I am so glad to see your
    letter. Today we have cloudy weather, but sometimes clouds are looks
    out of the sun. Its pleasant to me when the sun shines. I dont love
    bad weather, I prefer clear and solar weather. Basically its not that
    good today: it is warm, its not when here is a winter. The winter
    here is very cold, but it was hot in the summer and very sunny.
    Yesterday Vika and I went in the cinema and I have told to her about
    you. She was glad for me and asked to say Hi! for you. Unfortunately I
    do not have friends gays therefore personal life and I discuss with
    Vika some things. Certainly I have friends from the colleague, but I
    can not trust and tell them all personals things. After break with my
    parents I have rented the apartment in one of areas ours city. Now I
    live along. I dont have home animals because of my owner of the
    apartment. Apartments has not permitted that I will have pets. That is
    bad, because I like pet very much. I am glad that. What do you think
    about pets? Thank you that You liked mine English. I studied it during
    study in institute. By the way I didnt write you, but soon my
    birthday. It was on September 1. I think that it will be a cheerful
    holiday. I love to invite on the birthday my colleagues and relatives.
    I love to prepare food and most of all Russian kitchen, I mean food I
    can do. I love chips with meat. Besides I love to make any sauce for
    example sharp sauce with mayonnaise. How about you ????? ? When the
    visitors came we are listening we cheerful music. I love deferent
    various of music and pop and fate, some singles. And I like historical
    films. And certainly romantic comedies. And what kind of films do you
    like %TOFNAME? Write me, please what weather do you like? Write how do
    you celebrate your birthday? What do you love food? Do you love to go
    for a walk on the city? Which places do you love to visit: theatres,
    museums, exhibitions? Well I hope that for you it is interesting to
    read my letters. Ill be finish my letter. I am glad our friendship
    and I hope ours friendship will proceed in something more... I want to
    ask you to send me number of your phone. Unfortunately, I do not have
    phone at home. But I shall search for an opportunity to use public
    phone on post office. I shall try to buy a telephone card to call to
    you! I shall inform you in the following letters in more detail
    concerning it! Ill call you in one day if you want it? Ill make more
    fotos for you? Well that is it for now. Have a good day. Yours

    Letter 4

    Hi ?????. I hope that for you all are well. Now we have winter and
    almost in all city the snow lays! I dont smoke and I dont drink. And
    in general I try to watch after my health. Yes, I visit a tr

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