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Carding will never die

Тема в разделе "Offtopic. Случаи из жизни. Трёп", создана пользователем Gorki99, 2 июл 2018.

  1. Gorki99

    Gorki99 New Member

    There is a symbiotic relationship here you need to understand.

    See, by proxy, carders MAKE banks stronger. Without carding, there would be no evolution of security. I am a big believer that without bad, there cannot be good, and without good, there cannot be bad. They compliment each other nicely. So whatever side you chose, you are in one shape or another strenghtening the other side. If carding is dead, then banks are dead too. Security is always evolving, is always progressing, because of carders, because of hackers. You eventually see this as things start to come circle. Banks become acustomed to your ways, to your hacks, to your tricks, and to your skills. It is natural. Any place with so much to lose will invest in whatever it takes to be at the cutting edge of security in all they do. Banks are the most cutting edge of any industry when it comes to security. Carders have picked a profession that in my personal opinion will be a difficult one to keep up with but not impossible.

    the reasons carding will always live on is there is always going to be someone out there that figures out how to out smart the system for some period of time. Then, as banks and financial instutitions around the world learn your trade you will eventually have to evolve and figure something else out. That is why carding will never die.

    My ultimate question is this though, what is the richest country? Which country would be the one to never let carding die? If truly banks are all the same in the basic services they provide, their security posture certainly is not. Carders seem to be so enamoured with USA ways, USA culture, USA music, USA banks, is the rest of the world as exciting as USA? Tell me.
  2. Amg7

    Amg7 New Member

    Bankers are the ones who created carding.
    Reason for this, is total police state when poor guy dont get nothing anymore

    Добавлено через 2 минуты 3 секунды
    Usa and canada are for carders! Carding couses debt debt creates new money! And more wealth.
    In usa if there is no more fraud scams and etc the whole financial system will fall dowm
  3. Hamidsvilla

    Hamidsvilla New Member

    You have an interesting point which seems logic and true . To answer your question, I think its USA... But then again, they provide for themselves via otther countries.. Dont they?

    PS. Your post reminds me about Ying Yang

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