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Blockchain.info changes domain : becomes less secure?

Тема в разделе "Безопасность", создана пользователем jojojaijai, 24 июн 2018.

  1. jojojaijai

    jojojaijai New Member

    Ive been using blockchain.info/ for a long time its mad since it only needs email n pass basically ... very safe ... but now they about to change their domain to blockchain.com
    im wondering boys that this maybe a setup to track us more easily ?
    Since .com TLD are not safe ...?
    Does any1 know much about this ?
    Cause blockchains been great to use n easy to deposit money into aswell.. i dont want it to be less secure....
    Sorry but i dont know much about these things and DNS hacking etc ....

    What do any of u guys think about this change ??

    Should get another wallet ? Which is safest for transaction n privacy brothers??

    Please if u have knowledge in this niche then gimme a PM and advice me ..

    Thank my friends

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